Franco Concli Wins Applied Sciences 2023 Early Career Investigator Award
By Arturo Zilli

Prof. Franco Concli, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Engineering has been awarded the Applied Sciences 2023 Early Career Investigator Award. Concli, previously recognized as one of the World’s Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University for the years 2021-2022, has made significant contributions to the field of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. With research interests spanning gears, FEM, fatigue, lubrication, efficiency, and tribology, Franco Concli has recently, together with researcher Lorenzo Maccioni, patented a three-stage speed reducer. His publication record includes over 28 publications in peer-reviewed international journals in the past two years, along with an international patent, reflecting his innovative contributions to the field.
The jury’s motivation for awarding the prize to the unibz professor was as follows: “Franco Concli’s Scopus Scientific Citations number is 1906 and his Hirsch index is 29. He is a rising star in the field of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. Dr. Franco Concli has secured funding of more than EUR 7,473,479 since 2009. This is an outstanding achievement in today’s competitive environment”.
As one of the two awardees (the other one being André Furtado, Assistant Professor of Structural Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal) Prof. Concli will receive an honorarium of CHF 1000, an offer to publish one paper free of charge in Applied Sciences after peer review before the end of 2024, and an electronic certificate.
Related people: Franco Concli